Riesling Wines with Sue Nordberg

Everyone seems to have a different opinion about Rieslings.  Some people love them, and some people shy away, often dismissing them all as too sweet.

But Rieslings deserve our attention and understanding.  They are an essential and delicious aspect to understanding the long tradition of German viticulture and viniculture.

Come learn about the German Riesling from Sue Nordberg on Tuesday evening, July 26, from 6 to 7:30 pm.  Sue will take us along the Mosel and the Rhine to show us the great variety German wines have to offer.

To register, email scott@harvardgeneralstore.com, with "Riesling Wine Class" in the Subject line, and provide the # and names of attendees in the body of the email, along with any comments/questions. Cost: $15/person.