• harvard general store (map)
  • 1 Still River Road
  • Harvard, MA, 01451
  • United States

From the Hazel & Company Real Estate Team:

Join us to learn more about our company re-brand. We'll share our expertise about the current real estate market, forecasts for spring, and much more. Not only will you be able to hear from our broker owners and sales associates, but also industry experts ranging from mortgage brokers, accountants and real estate attorneys. If you may be thinking of buying or selling in the near future, come prepared with questions and we’ll be happy to answer them!

Flatbread pizza and beverages from the General will be served, followed by a wine tasting. Space is limited, so please RSVP on the Facebook event or email natasha@hazelre.com before Wednesday March 20th. Learn more from your local real estate experts who have been rooted in Harvard since 1947.

Presenters Include

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