At no charge, join us from, 430PM - 630PM to taste wines with Sue Nordberg of Carolina Wines, an expert an all wines, and our very own owner, and wine curator Scott Hayward. Pizza will be available. Hope to see you there!
Wines available to taste:
Ascheri Gavi di Gavi 2021 Piedmont, Italy
Seven Terraces Sauvignon Blanc 2022 Marlbrough, New Zealand
Elk Cove Pinot Noir Rose 2022 Willamette Valley, Oregon
Gros Nore Rose 2022 Bandol, France
Domaine Dupeuble Beaujolais 2021 Beaujolais, France
Paloumey Cru Bourgeois Superior 2016 Haut-Medoc, Bordeaux, France